Breaking News: Prince Harry’s biggest fear about living in US revealed – and could happen within months…


King Charle’s former butler Grant Harrold has weighed in on Prince Harry’s latest woe regarding his US visa. Prince Harry “probably does fear”

Donald Trump returning to the White House, King Charles’s former butler has claimed. Grant Harrold, who worked for Charles from 2004 to 2011, added that the Duke of Sussex “get along quite well” with current US President Joe Biden and that Trump has previously shown his support to the Crown, however, Harry “obviously has got reservations”.

Breaking News: Prince Harry’s biggest fear about living in US revealed – and could happen within months...

It comes after the former American President said the Duke could face consequences if he lied about taking drugs on his US visa application, during an interview with GB News presenter Nigel Farage. Asked if Harry should have “special privileges” if he is found to have lied in his application, Mr Trump said: “No. We’ll have to see if they know something about the drugs, and if he lied they’ll have to take appropriate action.” However, Mr Trump refused to be drawn on whether Harry could be forced to leave the US, where he currently lives with his wife and children.

Oh, I don’t know,” he said. “You’ll have to tell me. You just have to tell me. You would have thought they would have known this a long time ago.” Now Mr Harrold told GB News: “The Sussexes possibly could fear Trump coming into power because there could be an investigation which could result in Prince Harry coming back to the UK. “But you’d like to think that if there was something wrong, if the visa application had been filled out incorrectly, that would have already been addressed in the past and not when Trump comes to power.

Breaking News: Prince Harry’s biggest fear about living in US revealed – and could happen within months...
Oh, I don’t know,” he said. “You’ll have to tell me. You just have to tell me. You would have thought they would have known this a long time ago.” Now Mr Harrold told GB News: “The Sussexes possibly could fear Trump coming into power because there could be an investigation which could result in Prince Harry coming back to the UK. “But you’d like to think that if there was something wrong, if the visa application had been filled out incorrectly, that would have already been addressed in the past and not when Trump comes to power.
Mr Harrold explained: “As a member of the Royal Family you do get certain privileges – but they shouldn’t be making things that are not fair for other people. “I remember when I was in the [Royal] Household, they take your passports and they organise your visas, your travel, all that kind of thing. “So it’s something that’s normally done by the household, but now that he’s doing everything on his own.”